1. Do I need to address all of the stories provided when writing the radio news bulletins?
No, you are not required to address all of the stories provided. Select stories that you believe are most relevant and compelling for your target audience and focus on those.
2. How can I ensure that my radio news bulletins align with the style, length, and content expectations for AM and FM audiences?
It's essential to familiarize yourself with the distinct characteristics of AM and FM broadcasts. AM bulletins typically prioritize delivering information concisely and clearly, while FM bulletins may allow for a more conversational tone. Additionally, AM bulletins tend to be longer in duration compared to FM. Paying attention to these nuances will help you tailor your bulletins effectively.
3. What should I consider when demonstrating potential for a career in radio journalism?
To showcase your potential for a career in radio journalism, it's important to demonstrate:
4. Can I include additional materials or samples to support my application for the scholarship?
5. Who should I contact if I have further questions or need clarification about the application process?
· If you have any further questions or require clarification about the application process, please don't hesitate to contact our events and marketing team at events@commericalradio.com.au